Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Just Let Go - He's there to catch you!

Sometimes my heart just hurts for those around me…sometimes for me personally. For times that I just don’t understand or see what God is trying to teach me. For times that I can clearly see what He’s doing (or trying to do) in the lives of others but unable to assist – to push them along.

Now, I believe that at any given moment – during every season of life – God is working on and in us. Since we will never reach perfection on this planet, He is constantly refining us, molding us into His image. Once we develop strength of character and fruit in one area, a whole new area is opened up that needs work and improvement. Some of these lessons are easy – we learn and apply without ever really knowing what happened. Some of the lessons aren’t so easy. We go kicking and screaming into change. We hang on to the door frames and door knobs as He pulls and prods us out of the past and into the present and on into the future. We fight with everything we have to stay the same -- to hold on to what we believe is best for us and to have things our way instead of God’s.

Why do we put up such a fight? Why can’t we just let go and let God have His way with us? Hasn’t history proven that He always knows what is best? Hasn’t He always protected us, provided for us, shown us His unwavering love? Are we afraid of what the change is going to cost us? Are we so comfortable in our present circumstances that we don’t long for more of His likeness? Why are our heads and hearts so soft in some areas of our lives and so darn hard in others?

I can remember a time in my life when I was in such a fight. I was in so deep I was not only comfortable and convinced I was right, I didn’t believe I needed out. I had become someone else – the new, re-birthed me was buried deep beneath my sin. I was not who God had intended but I could feel myself just settling in because it was easier than going back to that new soul Christ made when He saved me. I had lots of justifications and rationalizations for my sin. And it was cheap and easy; the change was going to be hard and cost me greatly. This was going to change the very image of whom and what I had become. I would have to completely let go of my power and control. Even though in my soul I knew the change was right and what needed to happen I didn’t want to let go – I liked my sin – I wanted to be right no matter what it cost me – on this earth or in heaven. However God was persistent and eventually, I could no longer stand the battle – I lost the will to fight. Letting go became the easiest thing in the world and when I finally did let go – just as He promised – God was right there to catch me and put me back together. I praise Him for what He did and how He loved me then and how He loves me now. How preciously He never said, “I told you so!” He just took my shame and covered it with His scars.

There are so many people in my life that I am watching in a battle – maybe not specifically what I was in, but stuck in sin they simply don’t want out of – sin they are not willing to even call sin. I know the battle that must be going on inside them – the battle for control over the sin. I also know who is going to ultimately win. Why not just let go now so that the abundant part can begin – why hang on so tightly to death?

Sometimes, my heart just hurts. I pray for you daily.