Friday, September 11, 2009

I've been Missing In Action

Wow - I can't believe it has been so long since I've written a word. It's all been in my head, but it doesn't do me (or anyone else) a bit of good if it's just rattling around in my brain. I mostly do this for my own sanity but my prayer is that someone gets something from the little words I type.

The last few months have been a challenge in "BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD!". He has really challenged me to simply stop and let Him do. And OH the amazing things He has done.

In my battle to keep my two cents to myself, I have learned that it's much more satisfying to watch God work and see the glory of His hands than it is for me to show what I know and what I can do. He has blown me away with answer after answer to prayer - from little things to very big things. He graciously saved my husband's job. He has freed those close to me from addiction. He saved my daughter's life (I'm simply sure of it!). He moved me from an awful job to what appears to be an amazing opportunity. He has strengthened my marriage while many around me are falling apart. He had given me a new thirst and hunger for His word and companionship. I can't begin to list the prayers that have been answered. For some, the answer has been either NO or NOT YET. Only time will tell the difference.

Christopher and Stephen have both made it home from boot camp and are in school - we don't know exactly what the future holds for them, but we know that God is in control and there is no limit to His protection. Molly is excelling in college and loves her job. Mego has change in her life right now, but I am confident that God is right in the big middle of it and it's in His hands. Connor is growing like a weed - walking and doing his best to talk. He is such a bright light in our lives right now

Now, not everything has worked out all wonderful and rosey. My oldest son is unemployed and struggling to find a new job. There just doesn't seem to be anything out there for him. But I know that God made all of this from nothing and it is perfectly within His power to create the perfect job for Michael I know in my soul that it will come at just the right God's time. He might have to move back in with us - but the silver lining is that it was my husband's idea...he made the offer to Michael. How much sweeter it is if I have nothing to do with it...if I keep my mouth closed and let God shine.

The lesson learned...I guess Solomon said it best, "to everything there is a season". There is a season for action and a season for being still. There are deep life lessons in both seasons. This has been my season of being still. I'm looking forward to the next season....I hope it involves football :-)

1 comment:

Steph Cherry said...

I like your writing. :O)