Friday, September 12, 2008

Light in the Darkness

So, I’m not really sure where this is going to go...let’s just follow it for a few minutes. This morning, while on the edge of awake, but really still asleep, a bright light hit my face and my first reaction, even before opening my eyes, was “wow that’s bright – I wonder where it’s coming from”. I really thought it was some sort of giant spot light in my face – not sure from where – but keep in mind I was still half asleep – my imagination was in full throttle.

I opened my eyes and looked at the light – it was coming through the tiniest of cracks in our bathroom door. Not at all giant or huge but making a profound impact on the darkness of morning. All at once a flood of childhood memories came streaming into my head of early mornings at my Nana and Papa’s house. My brothers and I asleep on the foldout couch in the den and the adults quietly sneaking into the kitchen for their morning coffee. They tried to be quiet and not disturb us, but as soon as one would turn on a light, even in the back of the house, the brightness of even a pinpoint of light streaking into the den would wake us.

I don’t know what all that has to do with anything but isn’t it funny where our minds go early in the morning when sleep isn’t quite over yet we’re still far from awake?

Once I had come to my senses, I headed out to see where the light was coming from and what the necessity of having it on was all about. I was drawn to the light to learn more. To my surprise I discovered that it was past time for me to wake up and that I needed to get out of my jammies and into some clothes and get to work – time was running out – I had overslept.

I’ve tossed that moment around in my head most of today. What keeps coming to me are the verses that say, “God is light, in Him there is no darkness at all” and “we are the light in a dark world”. It didn’t take very much light for me to think I was under interrogation this morning. A tiny bit of light broke through the dark morning and disturbed my sleep. Is it possible that only a tiny bit of God can break through the darkness of our lives and disturb our sin? That in fact, we are drawn to the light and have a need to learn more about it – whether it’s the light of day or the light of God?

In Genesis 1:4 it says that “God separated the light from the darkness”. He did it on purpose. And on purpose He calls us to be set apart – holy – from the rest of the world. I never really thought about about it but there must have been a reason He wanted the light separated from the darkness, otherwise He wouldn't have done it. I'm sure it was to show the vast difference.

I think that many Christians don’t really understand, or even often think about, the profound affect (and effect) living their daily lives in Christ has on the world. A life lived for Christ, no matter how small, pierces the darkness and people are drawn to it to learn more. We don’t have to be a Beth Moore or a Billy Graham to be a piercing light in a dark world. Our single small life can break through a dark life and draw them to the source. But before it’s too late, we need to wake up, get out of our jammies, put on all our Christlike clothing and get to work letting our lights shine before men.

1 comment:

Jill said...

that is so weird!! b/c this morning at 5 i was feeding hollyn and i had the light on in her closet but the doors closed- and i just kept thinking how bright it was- and how our light can shine in the darkest places!