Monday, September 8, 2008

Tuning In To What God Has To Say....

Yesterday my family was in Dallas and we attended Brookhaven Church with my Mother. We were there because it was Molly’s birthday and because Stephen was “staring” in KidzStuff as Stephendiana Jones, the Great Adventurer. However, as is usually the case at Brookhaven, we got more than we went in for. Brother Glenn preached the first sermon in a new series called "FREQUENCY – Being In Tune with God."

I’ve joked for years that his sermons are written as if he has followed me around all week and I’m secretly his life example. But this time I’m sure it was true. Bro. Glenn preached a hard-hitting, Bible backed sermon on how we were created with the capacity to communicate with God, but many don’t have the Power (Jesus) or use the Power (the Holy Spirit) and how nothing in our lives – no matter how big and wonderful and more and more and more of whatever it is – will ever satisfy us until the communications between us and our maker is in great working order.

It wasn’t deep theology – it was simple truth that we’ve probably heard before, but for the first time in a long time, I didn’t feel like Bro. Glenn was using me as the “what not to do” example. See, I’ve really been working on my communication skills with God. Talking to Him frequently and about most everything and doing my best to hear what He’s saying to me. For the past few months, I’ve been completely dependent on Him for all my needs – everything – not just the spiritual stuff but the day to day things like my job, food, finances, emotional support, strength, rest, my relationship with my husband and my (lack of) kids. My prayer life has really been the source of that dependence. Without being directly plugged into my God, there is no way I would have made it through. My life has been hit with some pretty tough situations in the last few months. You know that saying,” what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”? Well I have asked several times, “Are you trying to make me stronger or are you trying to kill me?” I know that He loves me and He’s making me stronger by making me weaker as I become more and more dependent on Him.

Now, I know there were many individuals in church on Sunday and each of them probably walked away with something different than I did. I can see where the sermon could have been considered strictly a “come to Jesus” or a “come back to Jesus” sermon; or where some could have taken away that life is not all about what we can accomplish or accumulate for ourselves or that we need to live for a purpose bigger than ourselves. All of those are true and needed to be heard by someone in the sanctuary, but I needed to feel my God’s love and know that He is so anxious to talk to me and hangs on my every word just like I should hang on His every word.

He didn’t have to do what He did for me, but He did and I’m so amazingly grateful and so deeply in love with the God who sent His only Son to live, die and live just for me. I want Him to be the one I talk to about everything and I desperately want to know what He has to say on every subject.

If you’d like to Listen to Brother Glenn’s sermon – here’s the link…It’s worth the time spent!

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