Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Peter: Success or Failure???

Our small group started a new study tonight..If you want to walk on water, you've got to get out of the boat. Peter got out of the boat...walked on water for a way...suddently realized where he was and what he was doing and saw the potential disaster around him; he forgot who he was walking with and to and began to sink. He cried out for help and was immediately pulled to safety by the hands of Jesus.

While still in the boat, Peter called out to Jesus, "If it's you Lord, command me to come." If it's you, command me...command me if it's you...those words are ringing in my ears and rattling around in my mind. Peter wanted a command...he wanted direction...he wanted direction from his Lord. He got what he asked for. Jesus said come.

Do you want direction? Are you looking for a command? Are you seeking God's will in your life? Jesus said "Come". He wants us to get out of the boat - out of our boats of comfort - out of our boats of habit - out of our boats of complacency - out of our boats of inactivity. What boat are you in? Where is it that He is calling you to COME?

Peter's faith and trust was overwhelmed by the storms and the thoughts of his own inadequacy. He knew beyond a shadow of doubt that he couldn't walk on water and that he was out in the middle of the sea during a storm...when his faith shifted from his Lord to himself, down he went. When his cries of help to the only one who is worth crying out o went out, he was saved.

Peter was overwhelmed...Sometimes I am overwhelmed by the storms in my life...I'm guessing that sometimes you might be overwhelmed too. Did that make Peter a success or a failure? What about the other eleven? They didn't even try to walk on the water. I wonder what was going through their heads..."if Peter doesn't die I might step out...but I'm going to wait to see what happens to Peter." They never got the chance. Peter got to do something no one else has ever done since...he got to walk on water with Jesus. Peter might have struggled in his walk on the water...but at least he got to step out on the edge of miraculous.

I think Peter was a success...he learned a lesson about perfect faith, trust, love, protection, and power. The other 11 just got to watch. I want to be the one learning those lessons...not the one watching from the sidelines. I want out of my boat...I want to be the one walking on the water...How about you?

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