Sunday, March 21, 2010

So it's been a very long time since I wrote anything. I've been so busy with life that I haven't had time to put all the thoughts banging around in my head down on paper. Ha! Like paper is involved... I thought it was time. So many things are going on in my world that it would be a shame to not write about them.

I haven't quit noticing God in the small stuff and although I'd like to see Him come through in a huge, magnificent, glorious way in a few areas of my life and the lives of my family, I think right now, I'm going to have to be satisfied with the little things along the road, keeping each of those in my heart knowing that He's working in the background to His glory and my good. I'd like to share a few of those little things that have caught my attention in the past few weeks.

The other day at work I had been counting money and got up to wash my hands and really noticed the grime and dirt that was rinsing down the drain with the water. After drying off my hands I marveled at how good it felt to have clean hands but it was just a few minutes before my skin started showing the effects of drying out. I quickly needed to put lotion on my hands, provide them with nourishment, or they were going to dry out. That's the way it is with our walk with God. When He cleans us up and scrubs all the dirt and grime out and off of our lives it feels so good to be clean but we need to quickly get His nourishment into our lives or we will spiritually dry up.

My boss was talking about stories and how everyone has one and that even though there may be a number of people involved in the same situation, their stories may be very different because of their perspective. He was relating this to our work environment. See, my story about my job is a very positive one. It's a new, wonderful job that is so much different from my last work experience that my story about where I work is very positive. However there are people who have worked at the same place for many years and have seen all sorts of change; they've experienced situations and events that I haven't and therefore, their stories are different. While we were discussing this, a woman from another department came by to ask a question and she was pulled into our discussion.

When asked about her story, she said that she had some good experiences and had also gone through some very difficult times, but that every time she came to my boss with a problem, he graciously listened and although he didn't always handle the situation the way she would have and although sometimes it appeared that he didn't handle it all that all the troublesome situations were always resolved to her good. She told us that she never knew what had been done about the problems, but that they were always taken care of and her life at work always came back in line.

As my co-worker was telling her story, I thought, “isn't that just how God answers our prayers?” We come to Him with our petitions and problems and pour ourselves out to Him and let Him know what is wrong and hurting us. His word says that He has gone to work answering our prayers even before we ask. It's just that we don't always see what He's doing. We might lose sight of His work because we don't see it but that doesn't change the fact that He's working for our good in all situations. We know this because it's one of His promises. And just like my co-worker, if we give it time and turn the situation over to God and then just get back to work, we will eventually see that the problem is either solved, has gone away, or we have had a change of heart and no longer look at it the same way. Our story has changed.

What's your story? Are you in a need of clean hands or some spiritual nourishment? Take it to the Lord. Ask Him to work it out for you. Ask Him to re-write your story; ask Him to wash you and then do your part – nourish yourself with His Word and allow Him time to do His work. You'll be amazed.

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