Monday, September 15, 2008

Not too Deep...but I get it.

I have a situation in my life that I can't change. The situation is between me and someone I deeply love, and the power to do anything about it is out of my hands. I could harp about it and whine about it and remind over and over how it bothers me and how it is probably not the right (or even healthy) thing to do, but that won't cause the change. I have given some very compelling pleas and offered up a number of solutions, but the power to change is not mine. It's not my decision to make. I see how this is putting a wall up in our relationship but I can't do anything about it...or can I?

I can see, through very foggy human eyes, how God must feel when He gives us the Truth and sets the choice out before us and so often we choose unwisely...frequently holding on to things He died to set us free from...holding on to the old self. I see how that causes a distance in our relationship with God - yet He loves and waits for us to make the choice to change. But until the choice is made and true repentance comes, the relationship is different. God can't choose for us.

God's Holy Spirit must be the convictor and bring my loved one to repentance, but the choice to change is theirs, not mine. Only then will the change come and only then will the relationship be healed. In the meantime I guess I can do something about it, I can pray.

1 comment:

Jill said...

where have you been blogger girl?